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Tableau Online Course Training in Hyderabad

Tableau Online Course Training in Hyderabad

Best Online Tableau Course Training in Hyderabad

Rudrasoft is providing Table BI designed by Experienced Professionals in BI . You will be master in Tableau BI, if you complete course in Rudrasoft. Rudrasoft specifically designed Tableau BI course to clear your interviews and to work on your project from day one, if you are moving from other technologies to Tableau BI and Certifications which are related to Tableau BI. AS part of the Tableau BI, we will train you in SQL Server for SQL, Tableau Prep, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, Tableau Online, Tableau Public, Tableau Reader and Tableau Mobile

Tableau is a powerful business intelligence and data visualization tool that has a very in-built user interface for easy navigation. Coding knowledge is not required to work with Tableau. It is very useful in drilling-down and drill up data to dig into more details. It is used for creating data visualizations, publishing data sources as well as workbooks to Tableau Server.

What is BI?

It's process of converting DATA(Machin can understand) into Information(Human Being can understand) is known as Business Intelligence.
There are two types Business Intelligence tools in the market Traditional BI Tools

  • Next Generation BI Tools (Self Service BI tools)
  • Tableau BI comes under Next Generation BI tools

TablePrep: TablePrep Is GUI tool which new product in Tableau BI and released in 24 April 2018. It is used to transform the data to consolidate it like Combining, Creating Custom Columns, Creating Conditional Columns, Applying Aggregations, sorting if required and removing unwanted data.

Tableau Desktop: It is a core component in Tableau BI which is used to create dataset, Reports with various visualizations and Dashboards.

Table Server

Tableau Server is on-premise server to publish the reports within the organization. To access the reports, user need to be there in the on-premises network meaning corp network is required. No one can access by crossing their firewall. Own premises can control the users, so Tableau server will give more security for your reports and Dashboard.


Tableau Online is a cloud-based solution which is managed by Tableau Corporation. It is used for publishing, managing and sharing reports to the required users through cloud service. Users can access the reports from any where in the world at any point of time.



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